You have to do this… 

No, you don’t. This is not about rebelliousness or disobedience.  This is about empowerment and enrichment in ways that honour one’s truth. Society, conditioning, expectations, the statements of others, peer pressure, generational tendencies, media trends and public messaging and marketing all say or direct, infer or call us to do something or be someone. They…


You are who you are; I am who I am

This is a powerful declaration: To yourself and to life. When you realise who you are, not only in terms of what most interests and intrigues you and what feels most natural and right for you, but deeper, in relation to who you truly are, there is not only acceptance but great peace too. To…



It comes in many forms and, contrary to what you might think, it is quite common. It is not only pervasive but insidious. It is not simply experienced from others but inflicted on ourselves. It is not only physical or mental and emotional; it can also be spiritual too. It is not only overt and obvious…


A curious phrase

A good friend of mine, Peter, is a gifted healer and he has dedicated – in truth, devoted – his life to serving others in a way that is joyful. In one of our meetings, I felt deadlocked within, almost irrevocably. Again, not unusual or unexpected because often we have unconscious blocks, which we cannot…


Is it healthy? Is it loving? Is it necessary? Is it true?

These are no trifling questions.  Asked truly, and sat with fully, they can reveal insights that help us out of repeated, robotic and ruinous patterns that might otherwise feed a cycle or cesspool of experience that is limiting and uninspiring.  The irony of being human is that we often know what the right and best…


Opposing truth, denying reality

One of my favourite authors and speakers is Byron Katie, who wrote several books, with her seminal work being ‘Loving What Is’.  In her words, Byron has an uncharacteristically beautiful and unassuming yet disarming way of approaching the stories we tell ourselves so we are gently opened into more freedom from the clutches and shenanigans…



From spark to ember, from ember to flame, from flame to fire, from fire to inferno! Sometimes our passion for something wanes, and at other times it builds from kindling through a slow or fast burn to something that literally lights up our heart, and seemingly the night sky, in our world. When we tap…


So talented, qualified, genuine and brilliant but…

I’ve seen this so often, and many of us have too.  People with extraordinary potential that lies unrealised, unreached, unexpressed.  People who seem to do all the right things and are diligent but for whatever reason life quickly turns out to be average and in a way that bears no resemblance to or reflection of…


Ignore the naysayers and the doubters, the detractors and the fearful

As a sensitive soul who lived in high-vibes, I was always easily impacted by the energy of others to the point that I ignored me and spent much of my life trying to please and placate, entertain and elevate others.  Enter the people pleaser and peace keeper.  It was a burdensome task that was never-ending…
